Environmental Policy

1) MELBEK TECHNOLOGY LTD recognises its environmental duties under the Environmental Protection act 1990 and the Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012, the appointed person Responsible for Health, Safety and Environmental Issues recognises that he has a responsibility to take an environmentally (and socially) responsible approach both to existing activities and to possible new developments.

2) The company, so far as is reasonably practicable, proposes to pay particular attention to:

  1. To minimise disturbance to the local and global environment, and to the local communities and wildlife.
  2. Follow the waste management hierarchy as outlined in the Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. The company will follow the hierarchy outlined below.
    (1) Prevention
    (2) Preparing for re-use
    (3) Recycling
    (4) Recovery
    (5) Disposal.
  3. To minimise use of energy and raw materials and to adhere to the principles of sustainability.
  4. To consider the environment in the design of processes and products and the maintenance of equipment.
  5. To provide information on the use and final disposal of products.
  6. To ensure that all employees and suppliers are adequately informed about the company’s environmental policy.
  7. To minimise the use of product related materials and services such as packaging or transport.

3) In order that the company can achieve those objectives, it is important that employees recognise their duty, whilst at work, to take reasonable care of the environment. Employees should also co-operate fully with the company or anyone else concerned, to ensure that their legal and moral obligations are performed or complied with.

4) Waste Management

  1. Waste is kept to an absolute minimum and where reasonably possibly, all equipment is refurbished in-house, re-used and either sold on or placed on hire again until it is no longer fit for purpose or cannot function effectively or safely.
  2. All waste is collected by the Commercial Waste & Recycling service provided by South Norfolk council.

5) WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive

  1. We are a Carrier, Broker and Dealer (Lower Tier), registration number CBDL164924 with DEFRA.
  2. We destroy any equipment, prior to collection, that has sensitive information on such as hard drives that are no longer fit for purpose, cannot be re-furbished or are un-safe.
  3. WEEE is collected, treated and recovered and environmentally disposed of in accordance with the WEEE Regulations 2013. However, we stockpile items until we have a sufficiently large pile to warrant a collection to save on multiple visits, transport and the environmental impact of this. Veolia provide this service for us for all equipment.
  4. Ink Cartridges – all ink cartridges are posted to Recycle4Charity.

6) Batteries Directive

  1. All batteries, where possible are rechargeable lithium batteries for IT equipment and tools etc. Any non-rechargeable batteries are disposed of according to the Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2008 and given to Veolia with our WEEE disposal.

7) Landfill

  1. No waste is taken to landfill.

8) Water

  1. No effluent or wastewater is produced.

9) RoHS – Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment

  1. No hazardous substances are used or and in any equipment.

10) Packaging Regulations

  1. Where packaging is used, the bare minimum is used to protect the equipment in transit. All packaging is recycled, recyclable and the appropriate size and amount for the equipment is used (i.e., not too big for the item).

11) Sustainability

  1. Lights are switched on, only in the rooms in use. All lights are switched off at the end of each day.
  2. All equipment is switched off at the end of the working day.
  3. Electric radiators have been installed and are remotely operated via an app. A timer schedule is set up for efficient use. Temperatures are set to 20 degrees Celsius.
  4. Very little is printed, any paperwork for customers is generally emailed. On the occasion where a printed copy is required, double-sided is used.
  5. Our electricity supplier is Bulb – providing 100% renewable electricity from solar, wind and hydro.
  6. All services and consumables for the business are sourced from environmentally friendly companies, ideally with an ISO 14001 certification.
  7. Washing up liquid, hand soap and other basic cleaning products are from the method range. Plant-based, biodegradable and in a 100% recycled plastic bottle.

12) Vehicles

  1. All vehicles tyre pressures are checked prior to each journey.
  2. All vehicles are checked for unnecessary extra weight and baggage prior to each journey and excess is removed.
  3. All staff are recommended to drive within 50-60mph (subject to speed limits and drive conditions).
  4. Where possible, vehicles are not used to reduce carbon emissions.
  5. Cataclean is used on each vehicle four times a year.

13) Carbon Offsetting

  1. A regulation donation is made to Trees For The Future.
  2. Our carbon footprint is calculated at the end of each year, and a yearly donation is made to Climate Care to go towards projects, to help offset our emissions.